I'm interested in serving.
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Email Address
Phone Number
Home Address
Home City/State/Zip Code
Which team do you want to serve with?
Host Team: Create a welcoming environment as you greet people to help everyone feel comfortable during weekly services.
Switch: Be part of leading the next generation. Switch, our student ministry, addresses issues teens face through conversation, friendship, worship, and teaching.
LifeKids: Help kids birth-6th grade learn about who God is and who they are through age-specific lessons, small groups, and tons of fun.
LifeGroups/LifeMissions: Help people get connected to community by leading a LifeGroup or serving as a Connections Leader during weekly services.
Media Team: Help people connect with God through weekly worship services, social media, and photography.
Operations Team: Manage day-to-day operational needs, events, and details to celebrate with people as they grow in their faith.
Worship Team: Lead people to worship God by auditioning for our worship band by playing an instrument or singing.
What are some of your favorite snacks and drinks?